Complex Systems Digital Campus

Multilingualism and Mutual WellBeing Science

We propose to comprehend linguistic plurality and digital inclusion oflocal languages in digital world in a panoramic approach on the subject through the many fields of knowledge that it engages, understanding it with some available data of the Brazilian situation. Multilingualism in Digital World is part of UNESCO goals to achieve a democratic access toinformation in planetary level. It is also concerned in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 2. In humanities as well asin digital humanities it has been for the last ten years one of our most dear interests: to understand and promote multilingualism andmulticulturalism in digital world from our local perspective in Brazil.

To achieve this Utopia of a society that shares all information for acommon good, promoting the well being of all peoples, it is paramount to have access to education and services in everyone's mother tong, and the digital world here plays the role of a territory to be occupied by all living languages in the planet, a generous tool to permit access to all. To work on academic level with this theme means to promote the integration of local cultures in the construction of knowledge in academic and digital environment for mutual wellbeing.

(see Multilingualism and Mutual WellBeing Science on Cosypedia)

Book: Multilinguismo no Mundo Digital

A joint edition by CLE - Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência at UNICAMP, and CS-DC - Complex Systems Digital Campus. In portuguese (mostly), and also in english. Coordination: Claudia Marinho Wanderley.

Free PDF.

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